Who Got Branded
Here is who got branded in the last few months:
Our Recent Clients
Dear Subscribers,
We would like to provide a few updates on what we have been doing the last few months. Slowly but surely, we have been able to manage the COVID-19 pandemic that has put the entire globe on a freeze. Our lives have changed entirely, the workforce is facing the largest adaptation since our existence. We promise that we will get through this as we are accustomed to face adversity and change. It is in our DNA to progress and adapt.
In the past few months, we have been lucky to work with some amazing clients around the globe. It is because of people like you we were in a position to create some long-standing relationships and on the road there, create some groundbreaking brands that will stand proud for years to come. We have pride in our work, and we would like to showcase it to the world.
For that we say thank you. Today, tomorrow and forever. We have made a small selection to briefly feature a few of our notable marks we have developed. Some of our work has been influenced by the pandemic and our medical clientele is growing substantially.
These are some of the brands we have chosen to provide an update on.
Thank you once again for being a loyal member of our journey.
Together we hope to continue our mission; to build beautiful brands, one at a time.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy and Happy!
Name: Kozmova Origin: Germany Industry: Apparel | Name: Burn Unit Origin: California Industry: Consulting |
Name: Haley Bevers Origin: Texas, USA Industry: Yoga | Name: The Kedish Group Origin: Kansas, USA Industry: Real Estate |
Name: BioX Health Origin: Phoenix, AZ Industry: Healthcare | Name: UVC Cleaning Systems Inc Origin: Michigan, USA Industry: Cleaning Services |
Name: Teb Fink Origin: New York, USA Industry: Architecture | Name: Edmond Collins Origin: Illinois, USA Industry: Staffing |
Name: Flare Nutrition Origin: New York, USA Industry: Nutrition | Name: Bad Boy Botanicals Origin: California, USA Industry: Pet Care |